The problem with modern Christianity

(The truth of Christianity)

In trying to find the ultimate truth about God’s word/all of reality, this search would not be complete without seriously examining (or even bringing up) what’s wrong with (most of) modern day Christianity:

If you haven’t noticed by now, the aim of this website ministry is to seek out the truth of reality: Which we have found/concluded to ultimately be recorded in The Bible and thus should mean that the ‘traditional religion’ of Christianity (that is the ‘religion’/way of believing that comes from following/believing the Bible) is also true and is the ultimate way to live/believe for a human because Christianity should be in complete agreement with what the Bible says, right?

Why you would think this is true, the reality is Christianity today believes in so many different things and teaches one to live so many different ways; all of them cannot be Biblically accurate (some even clearly contradicting the very words of The Bible!)

How can this be if Christianity is supposed to be directly taken from The Bible?

Well, here is where the problem comes in for modern day Christianity:

The problem is most of modern Christianity (that is the major thoughts/believes that most Christians have today) is in some way or another contradicting on what the Bible has to say about something! And if that was not bad enough Christianity contradicts itself (by Christians contradicting other Christians) with its wide variety of believes!

So, this is obviously a big problem:

Christianity should be in total agreement with what the Holy Bible says but yet it is not:

The question now is: why? Why is Christianity today in such confusion on what is truly the right Christian way to live and what the Bible says is true?

The answer to that came be summed up in mainly one word:


The problem with modern Christianity is all the denominations!

A denomination is basically a name for a specific category of something [1]

So, a denomination means a specific category/or way of ordering something specific; in this case, we are looking at a Christian denominations/categories:

Specifically Christian denominations are a group of Christians/churches who are united in a set of believes (also called doctrines) thus have a specific way of living through what their doctrines teach.[1]

If you have been raised in a Christian family/culture or have heard about Christianity you probably have come across terms like “Roman catholic”, “Protestant”, or “Orthodox” at some point: all these terms refer to specific denominations in Christianity.

Today (as of 2022 A.D.) there are around at least 40 different denominations of Christianity![1] That means there are at least 40 different groups of Christians who all have different believes and ways of living: many even contradicting one another and the Bible itself! 

With all this confusion how in the world will we know the right denomination/example and right way to live as the Bible instructs us, if there are over 40 different options on how to live and believe as a Christian?

How did all these different and contradicting believes get into Christianity?

Where did all these denominations come from?

In order to truly understand how Christianity became so divided we need to see how Christianity originally began



[A] Merriam-Webster “Denomination”


[B] The spiritual life “List of Christian denominations”
